Robot was built by another alien race, known as the Robot Builders, who all went extinct after SAR dropped a alien engine on their planet which acted as a bomb. Robot's full origin is unknown. It's also unknown what year he was built. What we do know, is that he was born on the Shattered planet at one of its cites. At some point in time he was friends with Scarecrow and when he crashed on Earth he was heartbroken. Robot later detected Scarecrow on the Resolute, so he took his ship and went to the Resolute to rescue him and get his engine.
Planet Centauri activation fix
The Robinsons were stranded on a water planet. Although Will and Robot were apart the entire time, the two remained connected, Robot experienced visions of everything which happened to Will. He saw his life on the planet and the Robinsons, along with "Dr. Smith" and Don West. He watched from afar as they turned the Jupiter 2 into a sailing boat, which traversed the ocean of the planet in order to reach an electrical storm, which they used to recharge the vessel's batteries and escape from the planet. While on the planet, they discovered strange glyphs which matched those on Robot and his ship. ("Shipwrecked," "Precipice")
The Robinsons tracked a signal from the Resolute, which was in orbit around an amber planet. There, they discovered another robot named Scarecrow rampaging throughout the ship, but managed to contain him. Will Robinson then got a flash and realized that his own robot was on the planet below. ("Scarecrow")
With the help of one of the vessel's crew named Ben Adler and his mom Maureen, Will traveled to the planet to search for the Robot. He succeeded in finding him, but first they had to face off an attack by the SAR, Second Alien Robot. Will was overjoyed when he was finally reunited with his own Robot. ("Severed")
Due to the effects of a rust virus which was spreading on the planet, the group was forced to travel on horses, something which was definitely a new experience for the Robot. Upon first seeing one, he was startled, believing it to be a threat, but Will told him that they were actually friends and showed him one to calm one down when upset. He also explained the use a bit to Robot, explaining that it wouldn't hurt. He said that the horses were friends and the Robot agreed "Friend, Will Robinson."
Robot stopped and comforted the horse, surprising Ben Adler, who was wary of anthropomorphize Robot. Will comforted the horse too, explaining to the Robot that it wasn't like him and couldn't simply be repaired. The horse died and Robot created a memorial of rocks, similar to what Will had done back on the unknown planet. He then collected the horse's bridle, something to remember it by. Adler was stunned by the display, wary of believing that a creature like the Robot could mourn. ("Evolution")
Will decided to help Robot save Scarecrow, as Robot had done so much to help them to do so. However, in order to do so, he and his family had to play a shell game with the crew of the Resolute in order to get the Robot and Scarecrow to a thunderstorm on the amber planet, where Scarecrow would be able to recover. They put the elaborate plan into motion and were largely successful. However, Ben Adler correctly anticipated Will's actions and was waiting for him at the Jupiter spacecraft he planned to use in order to get down to the planet. He summoned other members of the vessel's crew, who began shocking the Robot into submission. As they did, the Robot pleaded "Help. Friend." and "Help, Ben Adler." Ben Adler had longed for a connection with the robots and the Robot's message got through and he decided to help. He aided Will to get Scarecrow on board, but in order to do so, they had to leave the Robot behind and at the mercy of the vessel's crew and Hastings, who had arrived on the scene. Will watched in despair and shock as the doors of the Jupiter closed, and the Robot was left to his fate. ("Shell Game")
Meanwhile, on the amber planet, Will and Adler succeeded in saving Scarecrow, but their actions resulted in a new complication. Their presence was detected by another group of alien robots, who launched an attack on the Resolute. Worse, an entire fleet of alien robots began converging on the vessel. Judy came up with a plan to place 97 children in a Jupiter spacecraft and put the engine on it to get them to safety on Alpha Centauri. Will convinced the Robot to help and got him to transfer the engine. However, the attacking robots made their way for the vessel, led by the THAR. The Robot, detecting this, left on installing the engine to try to help, but Scarecrow returned from the planet and fought off THAR long enough to allow to escape. They engaged the engine and traversed the rift. Will asked Robot if he knew that Scarecrow would be there, but the Robot just stared back. Will suggested that perhaps he had just hoped that Scarecrow would be there, asking him if he knew what hope was. "Yes, Will Robinson," replied Robot. The group then realized that wherever they were, it was not Alpha Centauri. Robot had followed a human radar signature, but the signature he had followed was not that of Alpha Centauri, but rather that of the Fortuna, a lost vessel captained by Judy Robinson's biological father Grant Kelly. ("Ninety-Seven")
The Robots assault Alpha Centauri led by SAR, attempting to use one of their engines to destroy the planet as they had the shattered planet. During the battle, Penny Robinson and her friends are able to befriend several Robots by saving their lives and they side with humanity in the battle. As a result, Will comes up with a plan to free the rest of the Robots from their old programing and he, Robot and Smith travel to the Robots homeworld where Robot attempts to use the story of his and Will's friendship to convince his kind of what could be without success. With Will dying from his mechanical heart failing, Robot sacrifices himself to save Will, something that is witnessed by the others of his kind, finally inspiring them to be free of their old programing. The Robots provide Will and Smith with a command to broadcast to the other Robots on Alpha Centauri to reprogram them.
One of the most common and longest enduring forms of DRM, SecuROM uses a variety of methods to verify the integrity of a game, as well as prevent disc copying of the protected material. The original disc-based DRM solution is simply called "SecuROM", or sometimes SecuROM Disc Authentication, while the online activation-based version meant for digital distribution is called SecuROM Product Activation. At the launch of a game and during play SecuROM (both versions) would also monitor the system, preventing the game from running if it detects applications or tools that can be used to enable piracy, disassembly, or hacking of the game.
For a list of games, see games using SecuROM Product Activation DRM.This is the online activation-based version of SecuROM meant for games released through digital distribution and used on some of the later disc-based games. It functions much the same way as the previous disc-based alternative, although it replaces the dependency of a physical disk with an authentication license retrieved using a one-time internet connection and stored on the local hard drive. SecuROM Product Activation is integrated into the executable of the game, and after the game have been uninstalled only the authentication license remain on the system. Some older versions also used a background service to allow the sharing of these licenses between multiple user accounts in Windows. Use the SecuROM Removal Tool to remove the remaining licenses after all SecuROM Product Activation protected titles have been uninstalled from the system.
Tropicalrainforests cover most of Pandora's continents, which suggests its motherplanet must be fairly close to its sun to take advantage of its light. A fewyears ago, this might have seemed implausible, but most of the alienplanets scientists have discovered so far are in fact gas giants that areexceedingly close to their stars.
However,life on a gas giant's moon might present a host of challenges. Jupiter's moonsexist within an intense radiation belt of electrons and ions trapped in theplanet's magnetic field, and Saturn's gravitational pull leads to extraordinarytidal effects that may have once ripped apart nascent moons to produce itsrings, and today can drive winds and volcanic eruptions on its moon Titan.
Watch the Earth transform from a violent, molten rock to a supporter of life. Discover how astronomers use collective learning to put our planet in its proper place. And learn about Earth's drifting surface that causes earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, and continental "surfing."
This fusion released what we call sunshine. Very, very, very hot sunshine. And the newly formed star was our Sun. It drew in most of the surrounding matter, but some escaped. And some of this material clumped together, settling into a protoplanetary orbit.
Through a combination of gentle collisions and gravity these atoms and molecules began attracting other like-sized material. Over millions of years, they gradually shaped themselves into solid planetesimals, and later protoplanets with their own unique orbits.
Forces flatten a young solar system and it begins swirling as a protoplanetary disk of gas and dust. The central stellar embryo may still "feed" off the material collapsing around it and continue to grow.
Claudius Ptolemy's theory extended the cosmological theories of Aristotle. Earth was at a center of a series of concentric spheres containing the Moon, the planets, the Sun, and a final sphere of fixed stars.
Different elements joining, colliding, breaking apart, and joining again is a very ferocious stage in the life of any planet. Even after the Earth formed, when the atmosphere began to stabilize, it was under siege. Early microbes, in their struggle for life, clashed with and consumed hydrogen gas. Hundreds of millions of years passed. These microbes evolved into prokaryotes and adapted further, finding energy in sunlight. Then, in a process called photosynthesis, they flooded the atmosphere with oxygen. 2ff7e9595c